Website I B2B I eLearning I Technology
Sunset a website in 4 weeks, meeting the needs of diverse audiences
Revisiting fundamental design principles while incorporating user and stakeholder feedback to craft a more engaging experience for Apple engineers.
OVERVIEW: Apple Cloud Services is an internal tool that enables Apple software engineers to explore products and services, and access detailed technical documentation relevant to their Apple projects.
ROLE: Lead Product Designer, BNR
- Stakeholder Interviews
- Reviewed Previous Attempts
Apple software engineers were not engaging with the site as a resource, and Nexus, an Apple partner, was disappointed with the website. As a result, they were reluctant to sunset their current website and migrate their data to Apple Cloud Services.
We identified an opportunity to enhance content and visual hierarchy to better serve both types of users. Additionally, we aimed to introduce consistency and cohesion between this website and all other Apple websites.
Why it’s important: Engineers need to quickly find information to troubleshoot their projects. They also require clear, easily digestible content to understand the products and services available, enabling them to make informed decisions for their projects.
Successfully sunset the Nexus website within 4 weeks, effectively meeting the needs of multiple audiences.
Our biggest challenge was the tight 4-week timeframe to onboard, understand the product and its users, and complete the project. In addition to addressing specific feedback from users and stakeholders, we revisited fundamental principles to ensure success.
Our approach
Establish continuity across all Apple sites
Sunset the Nexus site and migrate all data to Apple's website
Increase site engagement
Address specific user and stakeholder feedback
Back to basics
Content and visual hierarchy, along with color and contrast
Best practices for proximity, spacing, size, and scale
Familiar patterns and components
The design
Introduced SF Symbols to enhance consistency and convey content effectively
Integrated system-defined components
Infused Apple’s branding best practices

Stakeholders and their partner Nexus were thrilled with the updated design. In fact, they were so impressed that they agreed to sunset their website and migrate all their data to Apple Cloud Services.